  • 期刊


A Study on the relationship among Institutional trust、Perceived risks、Satisfaction and Behavior Intentions of Existing-Housing Contract Warranties




Whereas it involves a large sum of money in housing trading; and whereas disputes arise frequently in housing trading as its nature of object and negotiation are too complicated for general people to deal with on their basic knowledge, the housing dealers present a Existing-Housing Contract Warranties to reduce the risk of purchase. The undertaking of bond in Existing-Housing Contract Warranties is a new construction of domestic housing trading order, in which the purchasers' confidence is essential to the successful implementation of the Existing-Housing Contract Warranties. In another word, the more confidence the purchasers have, the more conscious risk are reduced in housing purchase, and subsequently impact their will to join in the Existing-Housing Contract Warranties. Based on the structural equation model(SEM), a theoretical model for institutional trust, perceived risk, satisfaction and behavioral intention was created in this report to understand their correlations and causal relationship by verifying the 180 real samples randomly picked from the housing purchasers in Kaohsiung City. It was found in the verification that (1) the institutional trust on perceived risk, but significant positive impact on satisfaction;(2) the perceived risk had significant negative impact on satisfaction and behavior;(3) the satisfaction with Existing-Housing Contract Warranties had positive impact on behavioral intention;(4)different will to join in the Existing-Housing Contract Warranties had no interference with the overall structural equation model.
