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Successful aging associated cognitive and behavioral factors among the middle-aged


研究動機與目的 我國已於82 年老年人口占總人口比率超過7%,成為高齡化社會;推計於107 年此比率超過14%,使我國成為高齡(aged)社會,114 年此比率將再超過20%,我國將成為超高齡(super-aged)社會之一員。有鑑於此,國民健康署社區營造計畫近年多以成功老化、活躍老化及健康老化等為主要議題之一,且國內外成功老化相關研究也已多不勝數,但以中年人為研究對象的卻不多。故本研究的目的在於從自覺身心健康狀態、健康信念等方向,探討中年人口對成功老化的認知及行為之相關因素。研究方法 本研究以相關文獻回顧設計問卷,研究對象為竹地區醫院及某科技業年滿35 歲以上之員工各150 位,以問卷調查法收集問卷。分析方法則採用描述性統計量、獨立樣本T 檢定、單因子變異數分析、結構方程式等統計方式來做分析。預期結果 生心理老化、年齡性別等個人基本條件及成功化健康信念會影響成功老化認知及行為。預期貢獻 藉由此研究希望從中了解中年人對於成功老化認知及行為,期望能從研究之結果來推動成功老化準備之教育,進而邁向成功老化。


Objective Our elderly population was more than 82 years the total population ratio of 7%, has become an aging society; push the meter in 107 years this ratio exceeds 14%, making China the elderly (aged) society, a further 114 years this ratio exceeds 20%, China will become a super aged (super-aged), one member of society. In view of this, the National Health Department of Community Development Projects In recent years more successful aging, active aging and healthy aging is one of the main topics, and successful aging-related research at home and abroad have been numerous, but for the study of middle-aged not many. Therefore, the purpose of this study is from the conscious state of health, health beliefs and other direction, to explore the middle-aged population-related cognitive and behavioral factors on the success of the aging. Method In this study, questionnaire design literature review, the study area hospitals and a bamboo technology sector attained the age of 35 or more employees for each 150 to questionnaires collected questionnaires. Analytical method is used descriptive statistics, independent samples T test, one-way analysis of variance, statistical way to do structural equation analysis. Expected outcome Mental aging, age, gender and other personal success and the basic conditions of health beliefs can affect cognitive and behavioral successful aging. Expected contribution With this study is to learn about the success of middle-aged and aging cognitive behavior expected from the results of the study of successful aging to promote the education of the preparation, and then towards successful aging.
