  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Is Cruise Tourism Safe? Research on the Motivation and Evaluation Factors of Tourists Purchasing Cruise Travel in the Post-epidemic Era


根據國際郵輪協會(Cruise Lines International Association, CLIA)的統計資料顯示,2018年全球約有2千8百萬人次搭乘郵輪,因臺灣優越的地理位置加上國際郵輪公司的佈局,使臺灣成為亞洲地區第二大郵輪市場。隨著臺灣郵輪的蓬勃發展,郵輪旅遊業者必須隨著市場的變化,提供不同客群的需求。然而,2020年因為新型冠狀病毒(Coronavirus disease, COVID-19)在全球大爆發與流行,觀光產業受到巨大影響。而在COVID-19疫情下,遊客在進行郵輪旅遊的過程中相較以往會有比較多的旅遊顧慮及安全性的擔憂,也因此會產生許多購買郵輪旅遊產品時的考量與防疫安全等服務之要求。因此,本研究以2020年疫情爆發後曾購買郵輪旅遊產品之遊客為訪談對象,針對疫情後購買郵輪旅遊產品考量因素是否產生差異進行探討。本研究採用質性研究之專家深度訪談法及遊客焦點團體法進行調查,在獲取相關訪談資料後,進一步採用內容分析法作為本研究之分析方法,深入瞭解後疫情時代消費者對於購買郵輪旅遊產品時,相較疫情前更重視醫療與安全設備的部分。最終,冀望本研究結果能夠拓展學術研究尚未完整探討之處;在實務上,郵輪旅遊業者與旅行社業者,對於後疫情時代消費者們在購買郵輪旅遊產品時之考量因素,並能夠提供相關業者在後疫情時代對郵輪旅遊體驗與規劃,及相關活動設計與安排方向。


According to statistics from the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), about 28 million cruise ships took place worldwide in 2018, making Taiwan the second largest cruise market in Asia due to its superior geographical location and the layout of international cruise lines. With the boom of cruise lines in Taiwan, cruise operators must provide the needs of different customer groups as the market changes. However, in 2020, due to the global outbreak and epidemic of COVID-19, the tourism industry was greatly affected. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, tourists will have more travel concerns and safety concerns in the process of cruise tourism than in the past, which will also lead to many considerations and epidemic prevention and safety service requirements when purchasing cruise tourism products. Therefore, this study takes tourists who purchased cruise tourism products after the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 as the interview subjects, and discusses whether there are differences in the factors considered for purchasing cruise tourism products after the epidemic. This study adopts the expert in-depth interview method and the tourist focus group method of qualitative research to conduct the investigation, and after obtaining relevant interview materials, the content analysis method is further adopted as the analysis method of this study, so as to gain an in-depth understanding of the part of consumers who pay more attention to medical and safety equipment when purchasing cruise tourism products in the post-epidemic era than before the epidemic. Finally, it is hoped that the results of this study can expand the areas that have not yet been fully explored in academic research. In practice, cruise operators and travel agencies can provide relevant operators with the perspective of cruise tourism experience and planning, and the design and arrangement direction of related activities in the post-epidemic era for consumers when purchasing cruise tourism products in the post-epidemic era.
