0.7;檢測效度(CR>0.6, AVE>0.5),再以結構⽅程模型AMOS軟體檢驗結構與測量模型;研究發現遊樂園遊客對環境顧慮對環境友善的旅遊行為有正向顯著影響,而環境友善的旅遊行為為環境顧慮及再遊意願之部分中介變項。結論:建議遊樂園應實施環境友善行為,將能吸引遊客再次前往,針對本研究未來⽅向建議,可探討遊樂園業者實施環境友善之行為,藉以探討遊客對於此舉之滿意度。' /> 探討環境友善對遊樂園消費者再遊意願之影響 = Examining the Influence of Eco-friendly on Consumer Revisit Intention at Amusement Parks|Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Examining the Influence of Eco-friendly on Consumer Revisit Intention at Amusement Parks


緒論:環境友善議題逐漸受到重視,台灣⾦管會為了規範企業實踐社會責任,落實環境、社會與治理(Environment、Social and Governance, ESG)⽬標,要求2023年起資本額達20億元以上之上市櫃公司需公告永續報告書,除此之外,過去研究發現旅遊業是環境問題的敏感產業,因此⼈們特別關注環境實踐。雖然旅遊產業包含遊樂園,但對於遊樂園是否實施友善環保之相關研究卻是付之闕如,因此本研究⽬的為:(一)探討遊客對環境內疚感、負面影響、環境顧慮與實施環境友善的旅遊行為之間影響以及(二)探討遊客對實施環境友善樂園與再遊意願之間的關聯。方法:本研究旨在探討環境友善行為對遊樂園消費者再遊意願之影響,根據過往文獻建構5個構面共23題問卷題項,經由八位異質性專家修正後,以線上問卷於2022年3月24日至2023年3月10日發放,採取便利抽樣,回收共275份問卷,其中265份為有效樣本,有效回收率為96%。結果:本研究以先檢測構面信度Cronbach's α>0.7;檢測效度(CR>0.6, AVE>0.5),再以結構⽅程模型AMOS軟體檢驗結構與測量模型;研究發現遊樂園遊客對環境顧慮對環境友善的旅遊行為有正向顯著影響,而環境友善的旅遊行為為環境顧慮及再遊意願之部分中介變項。結論:建議遊樂園應實施環境友善行為,將能吸引遊客再次前往,針對本研究未來⽅向建議,可探討遊樂園業者實施環境友善之行為,藉以探討遊客對於此舉之滿意度。


Environmental issues have become increasingly important, leading to greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility and the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives. In response, the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has mandated that listed companies with a capitalization exceeding $2 billion publish sustainability reports from 2023 onward. Despite the presence of amusement parks within the tourism industry, there has been limited research into the extent to which these parks adopt eco-friendly practices. Therefore, the aim of this study is to (1) investigate the relationship of tourists' environmental guilt, negative impact, environmental concern, and eco-friendly tourism behavior, and (2) examine the relationship between eco-friendly practices in amusement parks and consumers' revisit intentions. Methodology: This study aimed to examine the impact of eco-friendly behavior on consumer revisit intention at amusement parks. Based on previous literature, a questionnaire consisting of 23 items across five dimensions was established based on the literature. The questionnaire was revised by eight heterogeneous experts and distributed through online surveys from March 24, 2022, to March 10, 2023. A convenience sampling method was used, and a total of 275 questionnaires were collected, of which 265 were valid, resulting in a response rate of 96%. Results: In this study, the reliability of the dimensions was assessed, with Cronbach's alpha scores exceeding 0.7, indicating good reliability. Validity was confirmed through measures such as the composite reliability (CR) exceeding 0.6 and average variance extracted (AVE) exceeding 0.5. Structural equation modeling using AMOS software was then conducted to test the hypothesized relationships. The results showed that the environmental concern of amusement park visitors has a significantly positive effect on eco-friendly tourism behaviors. Eco-friendly tourism behavior was found to mediate the relationship between environmental concerns and revisit intention. Conclusion: The study's findings suggest that amusement parks would benefit from implementing eco-friendly practices in order to encourage tourists to revisit. For future research, it is recommended that further investigations be conducted to determine the level of satisfaction among tourists with regard to the eco-friendly practices implemented by amusement park operators.
