  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


【論文摘要】Exploring the Development of Taiwan's Cruise Market with International Cruise Brands


近年來我國大力推展郵輪旅遊,郵輪的到訪帶動許多周遭相關產業發展,更是連結了許多國家及城市港口,讓郵輪產業成為我國觀光產業重要角色,並提升郵輪產業產值。根據國際郵輪協會(Cruise lines International Association, CLIA)《2021全球郵輪市場前瞻》的報告書表示,在2019年郵輪所帶來的效益包含提供116萬份就業機會,更是帶來全球總產量約154.5億美元的郵輪產值。因此,本研究目的針對國際郵輪品牌及郵輪產業進行深入的瞭解和認識,進一步發現相關研究結果,最後提出我國對未來郵輪觀光市場發展的展望和建議。透過文獻分析法,分别以國際郵輪品牌(International cruise brand)、郵輪發展策略(Cruise Industry's Development Strategies)、郵輪產業(Cruise industry)及郵輪旅遊(cruise tourism),針對郵輪品牌及產業特性收集相關實證資料。搜尋資料庫包括Google Scholar、華藝線上圖書館等資料庫,共得15篇相關文獻進階分析與統整之。透過文獻分析發現,國際郵輪品牌的國內的研究樣本數較不足,加上郵輪公司品牌研究多以旅客作為依據,因此以研究者、郵輪業者、旅行社三方角度作為預期貢獻及建議。


In recent years, cruise tourism has been vigorously promoted in Taiwan, and the arrival of cruise ships has led to the development of many related industries in the vicinity, linking many countries and cities and ports, making the cruise industry an important player in Taiwan's tourism industry and increasing the value of the cruise industry. According to the Cruise lines International Association (CLIA) report "Global Cruise Market Outlook 2021", the benefits of cruises in 2019 include 1.16 million jobs and a total global cruise output of approximately US$15.45 billion. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the international cruise brand and cruise industry, to further discover the relevant research findings, and finally to propose the outlook and recommendations for the future development of the cruise tourism market in Taiwan. Through literature analysis, we collected information on international cruise brand, cruise industry's development strategies, cruise industry, and cruise tourism. We collect empirical data on cruise brand and industry characteristics. The database search includes Google Scholar and Hua Yi online library, and a total of 15 relevant articles were obtained for further analysis and consolidation. The analysis of the literature revealed that the sample size of international cruise brands in Taiwan is relatively small, and the cruise company branding studies are mostly based on passengers, so the expected contributions and recommendations are based on the tripartite perspective of researchers, cruise operators, and travel agencies.
