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A study on the government policy and system planning of flexicurity in Taiwan


在全球化與勞動意識高漲等因素的影響下,為因應市場環境的變遷,企業普遍採用的因應方法之一就是所謂「勞動彈性」(Labor flexibility)的策略與措施。然而,相對於企業或甚至政府機關勞動彈性策略與措施的採用與實施,青年失業、非典型工作和勞務委外和等問題與現象應運而生,進而產生勞工渴望「安全」(Security)的需求。據此,世界各國無不在調整既有的政策,企圖達到「彈性安全」(Flexicurity)的目的。導入「彈性」手段與方法有三種,包括法律規範、勞資協商與個別聘僱契約(Ozaki, 1999);相對而言,營造安全環境的方法也至少有三種,也就是法律規範、勞資協商與個別聘僱契約等三頃。彈性安全原本就必須同時仰賴集體與個別勞資關餘的制度與規則來加以維繫,在工會法等三法的實施之後,希望集體勞資關係制度能成為落實彈性安全的重要基礎。否則,在集體勞資關係制度無法發揮功能的情況下,彈性安全勢必要仰賴個別勞資關係規則與政府法令來加以落實。然而,其結果是否真正能符合彈性與安全兼顧的期望,不無疑問。當然,在集體勞資關係制度能夠發揮功能的情況下,或許個別勞資關係規則和政府法令的角色與功能可以逐漸進行必要的修正與調整,以期讓集體勞資關係制度能有更大發揮與運作的空間。


Due to the influence of such factors as globalization and labor protection, labor flexibility strategies have been widely adopted by business establishments. However, with the development of labor flexibility, such issues as youth unemployment, atypical work and out-sourcing have drawn lots of attention, and how to improve employment security for workers has become a major concern to many countries including Taiwan. Generally speaking, there are three ways to apply the "flexibility" including government regulations collective bargaining and labor contract, and undoubtedly the three ways mentioned are also the important means to create the security Therefore, it is fair to say that government regulations, collective bargaining and labor contract are three pillars to the "flexicurity". For a long time, due to the feebleness of collective bargaining, government regulations have been playing a major role in balancing the "flexibility" and the "security" in Taiwan. As a result, the goal of "flexicurity" might not be reached as expected. Accordingly, how to strengthen the function of collective bargaining might be the key to the "flexicurity" in Taiwan.
