  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The study on the correlation of change management and organizational performance in a human resource team


人力資本是企業決定勝負的重要關鍵因素,如何有效地留住人才,將直接影響企業成長的幅度;而人力資本所發揮的效能是否能夠極大化,將改變企業獲利能力,人力資源部門必須配合製造業務與生產單位的快速腳步,並隨時由外而內的關注客戶的焦點。因此,人力資源團隊被要求與組織的業務部門相同,必須提供外部顧客高標準與高品質的服務。同時具有客戶服務(Account Service)的角色,以提高客戶的留任意願。本研究的目的為解析新竹科學園區C集團之人力資源單位,藉由探討組織發展變革之歷程,暸解人力資源部門角色調整前後之變化對於變革管理與團隊績效間之關係。希冀由此研究希作為台灣企業組織未來在進行設計人資相關部門時之參考與建議。


Human capital is acknowledged to be the key to deciding an organization's success. The retention of human capital thus directly affects the organization's growth. On the other hand, how to maximize the human capital consequently influences the organization's profitability. Given this, the human resource department is required to keep up with the fast pace running in the sales and production departments and to constantly keep itself updated with clients' concerns from the inside out. This explains why the human resource department is expected to deliver high-quality and high-standard service to external clients as the sales department does. In the meantime, it also needs to take up the role of account service to help retain clients. This study aimed to decode a human resource department in Company C located in Hsinchu Science Park. By analyzing the trajectory of organizational changes specific to this department, this study was set to understand how the human resource department before and after the role adjustment affected the correlation of change management and organizational performance. Findings from the study are expected to shed some light on how to establish human resource departments for organizations in Taiwan in the future.
