

In a paper with a similar title Herstein has considered the structure of prime rings which contain an element a which satisfies either [a x]^n = 0 or is in the center of R for each x in R. We consider the structure of rings which contain an element a which satisfies powers of certain higher commutators. The two types which we consider are (1) [...[a,x_1],x_2],...,x_m ]^n = 0 or is in the center of R for all x_1,x_2,...,x_m in R and (2) [a,[x_1,[x_2,...,[x_(m-1), x_m]...]]]^n = 0 for all x_1,x_2,...x_m in R. We obtain results similar to those obtained by Herstein; however, in some cases we must strengthen the hypotheses. Also we consider a third type (3) (ax^m- x^n a)^k = 0 for all x in R and extend results of Herstein and Giambruno.


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