  • 期刊





Chang KV, Chen WS, Wang TG, et al.Quantitative ultrasound facilitates the exploration of morphological association of the long head biceps tendon with supraspinatus tendon full thickness tear. PLoS One 2014;9:e113803.
Chang KV, Hung CY, Özçakar L. Ultrasound imaging for precise diagnosis and injection of isolated extensor pollicis brevis tenosynovitis: it is not always a simple de Quervain disease. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2015;94:255.
Hung CY, Chang KV, Özçakar L. Snapping Hip due to Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy: Ultrasound Imaging in the Diagnosis and Guidance for Prolotherapy. Pain Med 2015;16:2040-1.
Chang KV, Hsiao MY, Hung CY, et al. An Uncommon Cause of Posterior Knee Pain: Diagnosis and Injection for Popliteus Strain Using Ultrasonography. Pain Med 2016;17:795-6.
Hsiao MY, Hung CY, Chang KV, et al. Comparative effectiveness of autologous blood-derived products, shock-wave therapy and corticosteroids for treatment of plantar fasciitis: a network meta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2015;54:1735-43.
