

許多基礎與臨床研究的結果指出腸道微菌叢對於皮膚生理平衡(homoestasis)的維持十分重要,且腸道微菌叢失衡(intestinal dysbiosis)與許多皮膚疾病的產生密切相關,包含痤瘡(acne vulgaris)、異位性皮膚炎(atopic dermatitis)、乾癬(psoriasis)等常見的皮膚科疾病。失衡的腸道微菌叢與其代謝產物透過改變免疫反應與神經內分泌系統,或甚至直接進入血流後轉移至皮膚的方式導致皮膚疾病發生。另一方面,已有許多研究證實益生菌的使用能有效預防或治療發炎性的皮膚疾病。


1. Forbes JD, Van Domselaar G, Bernstein CN. The Gut Microbiota in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases. Front Microbiol 2016;7:1081.
2. Ivanov II, Atarashi K, Manel N, et al. Induction of intestinal Th17 cells by segmented filamentous bacteria. Cell 2009;139:485-98.
3. Vinolo MA, Rodrigues HG, Nachbar RT, et al. Regulation of inflammation by short chain fatty acids. Nutrients 2011;3:858-76.
4. O'Neill CA, Monteleone G, McLaughlin JT, et al. The gut-skin axis in health and disease: A paradigm with therapeutic implications. BioEssays 2016;38:1167-76.
5. Jeong JH, Lee CY, Chung DK. Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria and Skin Health. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2016;56:2331-7.
