  • 期刊


The Photographer's Position in Community / Rural Documentary: A Preliminary Observation


本文分析2015 年在昆明及花蓮舉行的兩場社區/鄉村影像交流展放映的紀錄片。影片以拍攝者身分(村民/非村民)和拍攝者視角(描述的/反思或批判的),將影片劃分為四類,進行初步分析。第一類,村民拍攝的影像,多以生活周遭為主題,順著被拍攝者的生活節奏架構敘事,沒有事先設定的痕跡。第二類,傳統的民族誌影像,也就是傳統人類學的觀察方式,通常是強調中立觀點的純粹介紹,這類影像往往聚焦於拍攝主題的介紹,忽略主題的脈絡,包括在文化中的位置、與時間有關的變遷。第三、四類,是具有觀點或明確議題的紀錄影像,影片觀點往往具有批判性,企圖凸顯社會議題,或者由局內人拍攝,或者由局外人拍攝。中國村民拍攝的影像,具有發聲的主體性,但對自身族群社會的處境尚缺反思,培養影像的反思能力是未來實踐的重要方向;台灣原住民族的社區影像多表現反思或批判視角,但面對轉型正義刻意忽略原住民族,如何結合檔案和重返方法,藉由紀錄影像重建歷史,對抗國家的轉型不正義,是當務之急。


Community and ruraldocumentary in both PR China and Taiwan can be roughly divided into three types: first, documentary made by villagers showing everyday livelihoods, traditional culture, and life histories. Typically, these documentary follow a more natural progression of narrative and dialogue, without staged scenes. The second type of documentary are documentaries with a clear point of view or topic, which are made by villiagers or outsiders, and these film tend to project critical perspective in the attempt to highlight social issues. The third type of documentary are more traditional visual ethnographies, or anthropological "ways of seeing," and these usually emphasize a neutral point of view is purely presentation. Such films often focus on introducing and describing a theme or topic, but do not provide greater cultural context such as changes over time. The second and third types are typically made by outsiders, and the emphasis is placed on neutral, objective observations. In the first type of rural media, villagers are the photographers and the photographed, and thus the documentary seems more subjective. However, this paper will argue that even in villager-produced documentary, subjectivity and reflexivity are not "given" because documentary footage is taken as empirical (positivistic) knowledge. As a result, documentary by villagers hold a subversive potential, which can be unpacked through analysis and the gradual critical awareness of villagers towards media representation.


Li, H. C. (2010). 台灣自然導向影片(2004-2009):荒野、科技與環境想像 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00436
