  • 期刊


Prospecting the Direction of Indigenous Experimental Education from the Legal Positions of Indigenous Self-Determination and Indigenous School System


政府啟動「學校型態原住民族實驗教育」計畫,補助原住民地區的實驗學校將民族文化融入課程,做為設置原住民族學校的基礎。本文旨在對國際法與國內法相關文獻進行分析,探究原住民族自決與民族學校的法律定位,建議實驗教育應有的方向。在國際人權法上,在符合國家最低標準且由人自由選擇就讀的前提下,原住民族可基於自決權設置與管理其學校體系,但其法律定位取決於自決權運作的形式。在國內法上,台灣原住民族自決採「參與公共治理」的形式,迄今未能設置民族學校,但若依據『原住民族基本法』通過『原住民族自治區法』,應能以「自我管理」的自決形式,以縣級自治權限來管理區內各級學校,並依據『原住民族教育法』而轉型成民族學校;最後,各參與實驗學校應以未來族群自治區中心學校之定位,依據課程綱要較大幅度融入族群文化,以滿足重視文化傳承家長之擇校需求;同時,必須兼顧學生基本學力,使能與在自治區外學校就學的原住民學生競爭2% 的升學保障名額而升上大學,成為民族自治的儲備人才。


The Government has launched the project of "School-Based Indigenous Experimental Education" to support schools in Indigenous regions to incorporate Indigenous culture into curriculum and to construct the basis for establishing "Indigenous schools." The purpose of this article is to prospect the direction of the project from the legal positions of Indigenous self-determination and Indigenous schools with literature analysis based on related international laws and domestic laws. According to international human right laws, Indigenous Peoples should have the right to establish their own school systems based on self-determination, but the education provided has to conform the state's minimum standard and the students' participation must be optional; besides, the legal positions of the school systems was influenced by the forms of self-determination. According to domestic laws, it's essential for Indigenous Peoples to legislate the "autonomous regions law" based on the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law to obtain the jurisdictions to take over county schools in the regions, and transform them into Indigenous school systems based on the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples. Therefore, the experimental schools should play the potential role of central schools of the prospective autonomous regions, bringing in Indigenous culture into curriculum with greater extent; besides, the academic competence should also take into account to support the students to compete with the Indigenous students attending schools off Indigenous regions for the 2% preferential enrollments to college, and to become the potential human resource for Indigenous self-governance.
