  • 期刊


The Practice of Ethnic Mainstreaming at the Local Level: A Preliminary Study




族群主流化 部落 主體性


The main purpose of this paper is to explore the practical difficulties and possible solutions of ethnic mainstreaming at the local level. The author attempts to point out the current predicament of ethnic groups so as to evoke public attention and discussion. The author observes that the departmentalism of the local government is even stronger than that of the central government. In addition, the bureaucratized government system is very weak in understanding the contexts and rights of the indigenous people. The third is that the tribal participation and consultation mechanism has not been fully implemented. Due to local political factions, tribes cannot integrate well and thus lack the space for public participation and discussion. What is worse is the common phenomenon of the outflow of tribal populations. What follow are the outflow of tribal technical talents, including the outflow of the elite class and human resources. In terms of local information flow, tribal reception of information is very passive. Lastly, the author emphasizes that the approach of ethnic group mainstreaming is not a top-down approach, but rather a bottom-up approach. Any initiative, promotion, and implementation of Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests must be based on ethnic and tribal experiences, as well as cultural values. In doing so, ethnic mainstreaming may be realized.


ethnic mainstreaming tribe subjectivity
