  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



近年行動應用程式顯然已普遍化,而行動運用程式與自動化系統結合已漸趨平凡,本篇是主要是運用樂高(LEGO)積木、控制主機 NXT 和使用圖控(NXT 2.1 Programming)程式,搭配無線網路協定ZigBee、VB(Visual basic)程式、藍芽(Bluetooth)無線傳輸、手機程式Android App 輔助,而送餐系統的運作原理是靠紅外光源感測器(Proportional Integral Derivative controller,PID)探測黑線,送餐機器人就會正確的照著黑線行駛,接著透過RGB 感測器來感測餐點、桌號的所在位置以及客人手機APP 程式所點的餐點,再利用靈活的機械手臂來送取餐盤,正確的送達客人的桌號,最後客人離開後再經過手機APP 應用程式呼叫機械手臂前往該桌收拾用完的餐具。


Mobile apps have been popular in recent years, The mobile app combined with the automation system has become more common, The paper presents the implementation of LEGO blocks and the panel NXT and control (NXT 2.1 Programming) program, In addition, We also used the collocation wireless network protocols Zigbee and VB (Visual basic) program and Bluetooth wireless transmission and mobile apps Android App, The principle of operation is the delivery system by PID infrared light sensors to detect the black line and right along with the black line, Then confirm the meals and location table number and meals guests mobile phone APP program by points through the RGB sensor, Reuse and flexible robotic arm to take delivery tray, Correct delivery of the guests table number, After the last guests leave the table to go to the robot arm pick up run out utensils.
