  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


虛擬機器;軟體定義網路;Open vSwitch;OpenFlow


叢集伺服器是一個符合高性價比(costperformance ratio)的高性能伺服器架構。在叢集伺服器中每一台計算節點(computing node)使用市場現有的商業伺服器(on-the-shelf commercial server),再加上一些串連這些計算節點的中介軟體(middleware)使整體多計算節點的系統運作起來像是一個擁有超高性能的單一伺服器。除了高速運算的功能外,一般叢集伺服器重要的特性還包含負載平衡與系統容錯。負載平衡主要的議題為如何將大量的使用者運算需求有效的分散到不同的伺服器節點,而系統容錯主要的議題為如何預防當系統部分模組失效時整體系統可以繼續有效運作。本文探討使用軟體定義網路(Software-Defined Networking, SDN)的技術,實作上述負載平衡和系統容錯兩大議題。




In this research study, we investigated networklink fault-tolerance enabled by newly developed software-defined networking (SDN) technology. To provide high availability of internet services, a simple and effective approach is to provide redundancy in key hardware components/modules such as power, disk storages and communication networks. Nonetheless, how to effectively manage these redundant components/modules is a non-trivial job to the system design. For example, when a switch is connected to another switch to transfer data through Ethernet cables, if there are two or more ports to establish a connection, it would be likely to make a network loop and thus causes internal broadcast loop, which makes the network break down. Meanwhile, another important research issue is server loadbalance, which tries to disseminate massive user requests to multiple system components capable of handling the requests. In this research study, we investigated feasibility of using newly developed SDN (Software-defined networking) techniques to deal with the abovementioned problems. From our primitive experimental results, we show SDN is a flexible tool to handle network-related problems.
