  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



由於目前台灣地區民眾普遍地使用手機即時通訊軟體於社群交友、訊息交換與網路通話,因此在社群網路上有相當多的討論到各種即時通訊軟體特性與使用經驗分享的文章。本文為了解本地區民眾以手機使用即時通訊軟體功能趨勢,針對LINE、Skype、WhatsApp、WeChat與FBMessenger為研究問題的主題,選擇以語音通話、文字訊息、通話品質、貼圖、群組聊天為此五個主題下之維度,應用 OpView社群聆聽平台進行社群網路、新聞與討論區之文章作有效地收集並進行上述五款即時通訊軟體主題下之心佔率、設定維度下之聲量數、好感度以及各主題與文章列表內關鍵字之關聯性與出現頻率之探討。本文之分析結果將以圖形視覺化、解析數據列表以及文章列表方式呈現,可以有效地觀測出台灣地區民眾對此五款即時通訊軟體在語音通話、文字訊息、通話品質、貼圖、群組聊天等功能的需求趨勢。


Since the instant messaging software used in mobile phone is quite commonly used in the aspects of making friends in social network, exchanging message and internet calling, there are considerable discussions involving a number of articles mentioning about the features and using experience for using instant messaging software in the social network. This work applies a social listening platform, named OpView, to efficiently collect the articles which are listed in the social websites, news and discussion forums, and further investigates their accounting rates, the number of sound volume under specified dimensions, the degree of goodwill, the relevance of specified keywords, as well as the frequency of appearance of keywords to understand the need tread of using instant messaging software for Taiwan people. Five instant messaging software, including LINE, Skype, WhatsApp, WeChat, and FB Messenger, are chosen as the subjects of the study problem, and five function terms, including voice calls, text messages, quality of calling, stickers and group chats are chosen as the dimensions under the five subjects. The analyzed results will be presented by graphic visualization, data listing and article listing so that we can get an effectively observation related to the demand tread for Taiwan people using five instant messaging software on the functions of voice calling, text messaging, quality of calling, stickers, and group chats.
