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An Interpellation of History: A Study of Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park




The purpose of the study is to understand the interpellation of history from Althusser's theory of interpellation based on the displays of historic buildings and the historical events of Taiwan White Terror period in Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park. It mainly focuses on the analysis of the strategies of historic displays, included its contents, viewpoints and the technologies used. Through interviews and literature analysis, the results revealed that Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park demonstrates different roles and functions from White Terror period to this day. In the White Terror period, the park was a detention center that kept political dissidents in custody for trial. It turned into a human rights memorial and museum featuring Taiwan's democracy movement in 2007. The preparatory office of the National Human Rights Museum, the operator of the park, converted the detention center into an exhibition hall showing oral history films and displays. The purpose of these displays is to summon visitors' affection to those political victims and expected visitor to pay more attention and take action on the issues of human rights in Taiwan. Through the views and stories of the victims, the park presented the historical context of the White Terror, as well as the victims' lives in the detention center, to fulfill the goal on the interpellation of emotion, which resonated well with the audience. However, it is discovered that the overall effect of interpellation is not complete and reasons are: the lack of multiple views, insufficient interactivities on the display, and the incoherence of the theme and atmosphere of the park.
