  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Contesting Public Memory of Difficult Heritage through Indigenous Museums




Emphasis on the restoration of truth, testimony and historical trauma have become increasingly visible in the museum exhibitions of Indigenous Peoples, especially in various settler-colonial countries including Taiwan. This paper examines this approach of contesting public memory of difficult heritage through Indigenous museums and exhibitions in Taiwan. I argue that this trend is related not only to the "global rush to commemorate atrocities through memorial museums" and "multidirectionality of memory" identified by Michael Rothberg, but also pertains to the bottlenecks Indigenous museums have encountered. Through this trend, Indigenous Peoples are expecting a real, non-preforming reconciliation. Therefore, since methods of curating Indigenous cultures have shifted in response to ideologies that change over time, this paper suggests that in current times of memorialization, there is a possibility of Indigenous museum developing and launching a new trajectory that was previously overlooked and underestimated.
