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Analysis on Global E-Governance Spatial Diffusion: Using Spatial Autocorrelation Method


過去的研究結果顯示,在控制政策學習或擴散的相關因素下,當鄰近國家的電子治理程度愈高,則該國的電子治理的表現也愈好。然而,目前並未有任何研究針對全球電子治理近年來產生政策趨同的區域進行探索。因此,本研究根據電子治理具有政策空間擴散的假定出發,利用空間統計進行政策趨同上經驗性的分析,使用Global Moran’s I 與Getis-Ord’s local Gi* 針對聯合國七個年度的「全球電子化政府能力調查」資料進行研究。Global Moran’s I 可檢測全球各國電子治理的發展程度,是否具有顯著正向或反向的群聚現象,而跨年度的Getis-Ord’s local Gi* 除了可以協助研究者探究電子治理程度較高與較低的群聚區域,亦可使研究者瞭解近年來電子治理程度較高與較低群聚區域的群聚強度變化。研究結果顯示,電子化政府與電子化參與的指標表現皆呈現進步情形;電子化政府在各國之間的表現差異程度,在亞洲國家是增加的;而在群聚現象上,歐美呈現電子治理發展較佳的群聚,非洲則是電子治理較差的群聚。


The result of previous studies showed that the e-governance level of some countries was significantly positively related to the level of neighborhoods. However, there were few studies to explore the spatial diffusion of the e-governance, using the spatial autocorrelation methodologies, including Global Moran's I and Getis-Ord's local Gi* for the index form UN's Global E-Government Survey. This study was designed to examine whether e-governance development was a diffusing phenomenon globally. The results revealed that the cluster of good e-governance was located in Europe and North America; whereas the cluster of poor e-governance was in Africa.
