  • 期刊


Wu Mali's Feminist Artistic Practice




性別 女性主義 主體 當代藝術 吳瑪悧


In Taiwan female artists, Wu Mali's works are well-known for focusing on the relationship among gender, politics and nationality from feminism perspective. Most of her early works "Gender Triple Works," "Bimei Hotel," "Treasure Island Hotel," "Etaph," and "Xinzhuang Woman's Story" adopted a critical attitude, appropriating strong visual symbols, combined with deep textual tension. It is an attempt to arouse viewers' reflections and find the position of Taiwanese women in history and society. However, due to the development of feminism, Wu Mali rethinks the relationship between art and society, and then changes her creations. In recent years, through the form of community, the series activities of "Awakening from Your Skin" join women of each class together. With intersubjective way, they share spiritual journeys and creations with each other. This practices the creative concept that "the change of women, itself is the process of artistic practice." With feminine thinking of "Secret Garden," artist finds a female narrative in order to achieve peaceful co-existence of gender interaction. Furthermore, with the help of "A Culture Action at the Plum Tree Creek," she returns to the care of nature and connects local life with the openness of Eco-feminism and becomes a force for change. Wu Mali's feminism art has always been the same. Her art evolution parallels the change of feminism. Her multiple identities have broken the distinction between high and low art, as well as people's established impression of artists. Her diverse and inclusive thinking plays a role on sustainable management of people, space, institution and environment in whole society, and makes the world better with ultimate concern.


gender feminism subject contemporary art Wu Mali


Beasley, C. (2005). Gender & sexuality: Critical theories, critical thinkers. London, UK: Sage. doi:10.4135/9781446220498
臺新銀行文化藝術基金會(無日期)。樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動。取自 http://artsawardarchive.taishinart.org.tw/work/id/186
蔡美麗(1988)。女性主義與哲學。載於子宛玉(主編),風起雲湧的女性主義批評〔臺灣篇〕(30-41 頁)。臺北市:谷風。
