  • 期刊


Determination of Matrine Content in Pesticide Product


苦參 (Sophora flavescens Ait.) 為豆科槐屬植物,其根用於中藥材,苦參中的苦參鹼 (matrine) 具有殺蟲效果,故被使用於防治農作物蟲害。苦參鹼之取得係透過苦參根萃取。我國於2015 年已有苦參鹼之農藥防治蔬菜鱗翅目蝶蛾類及蔬菜、草莓竹蚜蟲之危害。為確保產品中苦參鹼含量確如標稱所示,亟需檢驗方法分析產品確保使用者權益。本研究開發高效液相層析法,使用Phenomenex HyperClone BDS C18 管柱,以甲醇:水:三乙胺 (45:55:0.02,v/v/v) 為動相,分析流速0.8 mL/min,注入量10μL,偵測波長220 nm。建立之檢驗方法可分析市售苦參鹼產品中苦參鹼含量,方法確效結果,苦參鹼50 μg/mL 至250 μg/mL 呈現良好線性 (R^2 值為0.9991),回收率為99.4% (RSD = 3.24%),符合CIPAC 成品農藥分析方法確效指南之標準,秤取樣品六重複分析苦參鹼含量,平均為3.77%,RSD = 1.85%。本檢驗方法可應用在分析苦參鹼溶液劑型成品農藥之儲架壽命。


The active ingredient in Sophora flavescens root is an alkaloid known as matrine, that possesses insecticidal effects and can be obtain through root extraction. Matrine confers protective abilities to plant and has previously been used to control crop pests. Taiwan has been used control Lepidoptera moths in vegetables crops and to reduce aphid damage to strawberries. In order to ensure that the matrine in commercial product has been labeled correctly, an analytical method which can accurately characterize the matrine content in these products is required. In this study, we present a method that uses a Phenomenex HyperClone BDS C18 chromatography column and mobile phrase comprising methanol:water:triethylamine at ratio of 45:55:0.02 (v/v/v). Method parameters are as follows: a flow rate of 0.8 mL / min, an injection volume of 10 μL and a detection wavelength of at 220 nm. Method validation as follows: the calibration curve for matrine was found to be linear over a concentration range of 50 ~ 250 μg/mL (R^2 = 0.9991). The recovery of the method was 99.4% (RSD = 3.24%, n = 3) and the matrine content in the tested product was 3.77% (RSD = 1.85%, n = 6). The product sample and standard solution were stable at room temperature over a period of 18 hours. Finally, our proposed analytical method is able to analyzes shelf life of matrine product.
