

部分農藥特性上比其他農藥更具危害性,儘管它們僅占所有已登記農藥的一小部分,但它們可能對環境和人類健康造成極大的損害,因此管理這些農藥的潛在風險並採取相應的緩解措施至關重要。依據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)及聯合國糧食及農業組織(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO)於2016年所發行之高危害性農藥指引(Guidelines on Highly Hazardous Pesticides),降低高危害性農藥風險的第一步即是辨識出高危害性農藥。由於每個國家成品農藥登記和使用狀況不同,各國應自行依循指引訂出高危害性農藥優先評估清單並制定風險管理方案。本文主要介紹FAO/WHO高危害性農藥辨識準則、注意事項、優點和其限制性,最後討論實際執行高危害農藥辨識所面臨的問題。


Pesticides pose varying degrees of risk. While highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) only comprise a small number of authorized pesticides, they can cause disproportionate harm to both human health and the environment. It is thus vital to manage the risks posed by these pesticides by imposing appropriate mitigation measures. According to the Guidelines on Highly Hazardous Pesticides issued by the FAO/WHO in 2016, the first step to reducing risks associated with HHPs is identifying them. As different pesticide products with varying formulations are used in countries, each country should conduct an independent assessment of HHPs and their risks. In this article, we discuss (1) the definition of HHPs, (2) criteria for identifying HHPs, (3) advantages and limitations of the HHP-identification criteria proposed by the FAO/WHO, and (4) some challenges of identifying HHPs in Taiwan. It should be noted that HHPs are not necessarily associated with unacceptable levels of risk. Mitigation measures should be established based on realistic exposure scenarios and results of risk assessments.


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