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A Discussion of the Integration of Indigenous Museum and Indigenous Community from the Viewpoint of the Development of the Laiyi Indigenous Museum


2000 年年底發包、2003 年完工,卻遲至2008 年才正式開館的屏東縣來義鄉原住民文物館,於2009 年因工程興建與閒置過久等問題遭監察院糾正;2010 至2011 年,透過國立臺灣博物館促成,該館經由「愛分享:東.西博物館及社群串聯國際計畫」,與美國科羅拉多州自然史博物館合作,成為國內原住民文物館當中首座與國際博物館接軌、參與國際合作計畫的文物館。從原本不被地方首長看好與公部門善用的閒置空間,逐漸成為鄉內發展文化工作的基地,該館在這一路過程中,有哪些有心或無意的操作,有哪些文化能動的關鍵因素被召喚,而逐漸穿透、突圍,甚至改變其原本可能有如一般原住民文物館發展緩慢或停滯的命運?對於文物館從瀕死到復活的變化,當地族人的反應、意見、參與又是如何?而該館的營運思維與策略,又如何在鄉公所的結構限制與形式常模內,與當地協商、共生、對話,走出一條能在排灣族社會脈絡中發展館務的生路?即便文物館生成因素有其國家政策時代背景,然而如何逆轉宿命,達到其以博物館身分被期待的存在,是現今原住民文物館尋求生存與自我定義的重要課題。本文擬從來義館的發展變化,檢視影響其體質與結構的議題,探討現今架構下文物館與部落結合的可能性與困難度,希望可以在新時代博物館學的發展歷程中,提供相關案例的參考與反思。


The establishment of the Laiyi Indigenous Museum in Pingtung County was announced at the end of 2000. Construction was completed in 2003. However, the formal opening was delayed until 2008. In 2009, problems caused by a long period of disuse were addressed by the Control Yuan. From 2010 to 2011, the National Taiwan Museum proposed the "iShare: Connecting Museums and Communities East and West" project, which was supported by the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, and of which the Laiyi Indigenous Museum took part, becoming the first indigenous museum to be included in an international collaborative project. The Laiyi Indigenous Museum has progressed from a neglected space to a base for culture-related work in Laiyi Township. During this progression, which factors emerged to allow this indigenous museum a fate different from that of other indigenous museums, namely slow development or closure? During this museum's resurrection what were the reactions, opinions and level of participation of the community residents? How were management concepts and strategies formed in conjunction with consultation, coexistence and dialogue with local residents to create a path for successful development of museum affairs within a Paiwan tribal society? The aim of this paper is, through the development and transformation of the Laiyi Indigenous Museum, to discuss the feasibility and difficulty of integration of museum and indigenous community. It is hoped that the results of this paper will serve as a useful reference for indigenous museum development in this new era of museology.


