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Old is New!?故宮宣傳影片及青年觀眾解讀之研究

Old is New!? Study of NPM's Advertising and Young Visitors' Interpretations


2004 年起,國立故宮博物院開始進行“Old is New” 行銷策略,持續開發文化創意產業,以多部宣傳影片積極吸引青年觀眾,展現其形象轉變的企圖。本研究將針對“Old is New” 行銷概念中的故宮5 部文物動畫短片及一部形象廣告,以符號學及閱聽人研究,來分析影片中試圖傳達的意涵,及青年觀眾的解讀與詮釋。本研究發現,故宮宣傳影片以輕鬆有趣的敘事方式,展現「科技」、「多元」、「創新」、「流行」與「本土化」等符碼,營造出嶄新形象。在閱聽人研究方面,本研究訪談兩組介於20-30 歲不同背景的青年觀眾,分別就「藝術或博物館學研究生/較常參觀故宮」與「非藝術相關科系/較少參觀故宮」進行焦點團體訪談。訪談內容分析顯示,前者較能理解複雜多元的形象廣告,並產生「轉變」、「時尚」的「新」故宮印象;後者則偏好組成元素較為單純的文物動畫短片,對故宮產生「有趣」、「大眾化」的感受。本文建議,故宮若期望貼近一般民眾生活並開發潛在觀眾,短片中的畫面元素以簡單有趣為宜,而針對文化菁英,則以較為複雜、隱喻或知識性類型的影片更具吸引力。


In 2004, the National Palace Museum (NPM) proposed the "Old is New" marketing strategy in an attempt to transform its image. As part of that strategy, the NPM produced several animated films and advertisements to promote its new image and to attract young audiences. The aims of this study were to conduct a semiotic analysis of an image advertisement and 5 short animated films produced by the NPM including the "Old is New" advertisement to explore their implications for and interpretations by young audiences. The findings suggested that NPM's advertisement was made to convey several messages, such as "diversity", "technology", "innovation", "popularity" and "localization". The method of focus group interview was employed and two groups of young visitors, aged between 20 and 30, were interviewed. One group consisted of "participants with art and museum studies educational background/frequent visitors to the NPM". The other group consisted of "participants without art educational background/occasional visitors to the NPM". Analysis of the interview data showed that the former group better understood the advertisement and developed a "new" impression of the NPM, which included the concepts of "transformation" and "fashion". The latter group preferred short animated films. Thus, this research suggests that if the NPM would like to attract a young audience without art background, short films or animated films with simple elements are better for this purpose. For those with an art or museums studies background, films with complicated metaphors and messages are more attractive.


王國強譯、Rose, G.(2006)。視覺研究導論:影像的思考。臺北:群學出版有限公司。
呂玉娟(2007)。國立故宮博物院:OLD is NEW時尚故宮整裝出發。能力雜誌。612,40-47。
