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Students' Scientific Attitude and Expression Ability Following Interpretive Training and Service at a Remote Area Science Exploration Station


為均衡城鄉科學學習落差,科學博物館運用館內教學資源,研發多項互動式展示教具,於偏遠學校設置科學實驗站,訓練國小學生擔任解說員,由學生解說員為鄰近學校參訪師生進行導覽服務。本研究以設置於臺東縣一偏鄉小學之科學實驗站為研究場域,立意抽樣選定3 位學生解說員為研究對象,並採質性研究策略,從師生的半結構式訪談、參與觀察以及學生筆記等進行資料收集與分析。研究主要目的在於研究學生參與該項解說服務計畫,對其科學態度以及表達能力的影響,同時探析不同家庭背景學生的表現是否具有差異。研究發現學童在參與行動科學實驗站解說訓練及解說服務後,其主動探究與求真求實的科學態度變好,學習態度更積極與主動,表達能力也明顯增強。3 位來自不同家庭背景者在不同層面上的表現有些差異,不僅改變其在班級課程上的表現,同時改進其人際關係。本研究結果顯示,科學實驗站的解說服務工作對於國小學生在科學態度、學習態度及表達能力,均具正面的影響。


To eliminate the gap in educational resources between urban and rural areas, the National Science and Technology Museum has developed interactive exhibit units and teaching kits, set up science exploration stations on remote school campuses and trained elementary school students to serve as interpreters for teachers and students from nearby schools. In this study, three students from an elementary school in a remote area of Taitung County who underwent interpretative training and service were purposively selected as the research subjects. A qualitative approach was adopted including interviews with teachers and students, participant observation and analysis of students' journals. The researchers aimed to explore students' scientific attitude and expression ability before and after interpretive service, as well as to understand if differences in family background lead to differences in level of performance. After a period of training and interpretive service at the science exploration station, in terms of attitude toward science, students more actively explored science and sought to understand the truth from fact. In addition, their expression ability improved significantly. Despite differences in certain dimensions due to differences in family background, similarities among the three students included improved academic performance and interpersonal relationships. This study demonstrated that interpretative service in a science exploration station has a positive influence on elementary school students' scientific attitude, learning attitude and expression ability.


丁信中(2009)。芬蘭中學生 PISA 科學成就優異表現及其相關因素之探討:2007 歐洲科學教育學術參訪反思。科學教育月刊。316,2-19。
