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Preliminary Study on the Preservation of the Taipei Railway Workshop and Early Preparation of the National Railway Museum: Cultural Heritage Revitalization from the Actor-Network Theory Perspective


位於臺北市信義區的「臺北機廠」占地17公頃,創建於1935年,是臺鐵鐵路管理局最重要的車輛維修與改裝基地,旨在推動臺灣鐵道現代化的發展。原預定在遷廠後將土地作商業開發,但民間發起了保存抗爭運動,最終以整體場域能展現建築、交通、經濟產業、勞工文化等無可取代之地位與意義,於2015年獲全區指定為國定古蹟,並獲行政院核定以10年為期,由文化部籌備轉型為國家鐵道博物館。臺北機廠保存過程充滿政治與文化的論述鬥爭,而這片國內最大的國定古蹟保存案業已展開轉型為國家博物館的籌備之路,無論就其保存過程、空間規模、博物館籌備內涵與未來性而言,都是極受矚目的文化資產再生個案。本文運用行動者網絡理論(Actor Network Theory)作為分析架構,透過回顧相關研究報告文獻與新聞事件,輔以作者親身參與籌備工作的觀察經驗,重新檢視臺北機廠保存運動階段的歷程,以及「國家鐵道博物館」籌備初期的內部組織變化,探討這兩段時期中的演進和文化政治。本文也論及籌備國家鐵道博物館時將面臨的文化資產再生、博物館定位、鐵道文化資源、都市介面與觀光等等多元議題。嘗試透過上述分析,理解這座工廠是如何被保存下來的?未來該由誰、如何來決定轉型而來的國家鐵道博物館的內涵?從行動者網絡理論的視角發現,兩個階段的行動者網絡中,核心工作皆是圍繞著對主要非人行動者「臺北機廠」的轉譯而展開。在保存運動中,不同目標的行動者各自結盟成為兩個陣營彼此競逐,最後由推動「全區保存」的民間社團,成功將臺北機廠賦予「國定古蹟」身份。下一階段則要由新出現的行動者「國家鐵道博物館籌備處」轉動新的行動者網絡,將臺北機廠進一步轉型為「國家鐵道博物館」,或能從行動者網絡理論經驗分析,預視如何在多元議題和挑戰之中,轉動起新的網絡動員。本文成果初步建構了本案之演進過程和議題分析,未來有待更多相關研究深入作更多面向的探討。


The Taipei Railway Workshop, established in 1935 in what is now Xinyi District of Taipei City, covers an area of 17 hectares. It was the most important maintenance and retrofit station for the Taiwan Railways Administration, a key driver of railway development and modernization. The management body, the Taiwan Railways Administration, planned for its relocation to commercially develop this site. However, it was designated a national heritage site in 2015 due to its significance to architectural, transportation, economic, and labor history, with plans underway by the Ministry of Culture to transform it into a national railway museum. This high-profile case of cultural heritage revitalization involves conflicting political and cultural discourses. Based on the actor-network theory (ANT), relevant research reports and news events were reviewed, supplemented by the author's participatory observation of the preparatory work, to examine the history of the preservation phase of the Taipei Railway Workshop and the internal organizational changes in the early preparations of the National Railway Museum. From the cultural politics and power plays on the conservation movement stage to the initial museum preparatory stage, issues of cultural heritage revitalization, museum positioning, railway cultural resources, urban development interface, and tourism are discussed. From the perspective of ANT, the core task was transforming the Taipei Railway Workshop, the main non-human actant, into "national heritage". Actors in a network have different objectives. Through mediation and mobilization of the network, an objective acceptable to most actors is formed. The next stage involves a new actor, the preparatory office of the National Railway Museum. Based on previous ANT experiences, new network mobilizations are anticipated. The results of this study can be used to preliminarily construct the evolutionary process of this case and analyze relevant issues. Future research should explore additional aspects.


王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯,Zukin, S. 原著,2012[2009]。裸城:純正都市地方的生與死。臺北:群學出版有限公司。
