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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Museum Social Media Management and Science Communication: Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science




Continuous innovations in Internet media technologies and popularization of mobile devices have changed the way people receive information. In view of these trends, museums must position themselves in an online world. In December 2017, the Science Communication Center of the National Museum of Natural Science was established to strengthen the use of social media features and to tap into its power to communicate scientific knowledge. The Science Communication Center produces posts based on scientific knowledge and has a fulltime social media manager. The aim of this study was to compare the reach of different types of posts and videos to understand the preferences of online audiences. Based on the results, after hiring a full-time social media manager, engagement significantly increased. The most popular posts were those related to the museum's behind-the-scenes work and ticket discount information. In addition, there was a preference for short videos with easy-to-understand content or that were related to behind-the-scenes work. Content creators who transformed scientific knowledge and promoters who were familiar with social media played complementary roles. Suggestions regarding the aspects that museums need to continuously improve on in terms of their social media operations are provided.


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