  • 期刊


The Flood & Drought Disaster and Water Conservancy Constructions in the Oujiang River Upstream during the Qing Dynasty


文章以方志中的水旱災害記載為基礎,兼以相關檔案資料為補充,采用參數化方法,構建了清代浙南甌江流域水旱災害等級序列,並對該流域的水旱災害形勢及危害進行了分析。結果顯示,清代甌江流域存在1670~1700 年和1810~1860 年兩個水旱災害的高發期,同時,水旱災害在該流域內存在一定的時空分佈差異。作為水旱災害的應對措施,堰、渠、塘、堤等水利工程的修建,對水旱災害預防和應對起到一定的積極作用,然而水利工程質量總體不高,雖經歷代政府和鄉民屢次新建和重修,但對於水旱災害的防禦效果較為有限。


This article collected its data mainly from the records of flood and drought in local gazetteers, and also searched some relevant archives as a supplement. By the parametric method frequently used in historical meteorology research, the article reconstructed the rank sequence of the flood & drought disasters in the Oujiang River upstream during the Qing dynasty. The result indicated there were two highly incidence of flood & drought disaster periods in 1670~1700 and 1810~1860. The construction of different kinds of water conservancy constructions, including weir, canal, pond and dam had played a certain positive roles in preventing and responding the disasters, however, due to the relatively poor quality of these water conservancy constructions, the defense effect for the flood & drought disaster was relatively limited, although local governments and the villagers kept maintaining and rebuilding these constructions.
