  • 期刊


A Study on Policy Formation of 12-Year Basic Education: A Multiple Streams Perspective




"12-Year Basic Education Policy" issue was appeared in 1982. The Ministry of Education commenced deliberate planning since 1989, the vocational Programs, complete high schools policy, comprehensive high schools policy, senior high school community policy to high school actualization program included. After more than 20 years' movement, former president Ma announced in 2011 that the policy would implement since 2014. The general public did not clearly understand the policy contents, so the process was full of disputes and the policy was implemented by administration reign. What were the reasons of the policy still being ambiguous after long-term evolution? The Study is based on Kingdon's theory and adopt the historical approach to retrieve the policy development. The method used for data collection, e-newspaper, theses, dissertations and official documents from 1982 to 2014, is document analysis. The theoretical analysis of problem streams, political streams, policy streams, policy windows, and policy entrepreneurs are carefully illustrated. According to the results, totally there were three times of policy window triggered opening in the politics stream in 1989, 2007 and 2011. In the policy stream and the policy primeval soup, there were few specific alternatives and inter-correlations among policy communities when the policy window opening. At the implement stage, the Minister of Education, also as policy entrepreneur, dominated the policy with little compromise. The former related projects and planning of policy made by professional bureaucracy were with little function. The study conclude two suggestions: first, the government officials should respect to the professional bureaucracy as the references when planning public policy. Second, it will put a premium on the maturity of policy that the alternatives should be brainstormed by policy communities at the appropriate time of the evolution of policy.
