  • 期刊


The Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Residents in Da-Zhi Area, Taipei, Taiwan


為瞭解大直地區居民營養知識、態度及飲食行為的概況,於2001-2002年由大直里長處取得里民資料,採隨機抽樣分別抽取:< 19歲18位,20-40歲62位,41-64歲113位和> 65歲110位,以營養知識量表、營養態度量表及飲食行為調査表為研究工具,並以單因子變異數分析法分析居民之性別、年齡、職業、教育程度、疾病和婚姻狀況等不同因子在營養知識、態度及飲食行為之差異性。結果發現,87%受訪者具有適當的營養知識、60%受訪者沒有適當的營養態度、98%受訪者飲食行為適當,在卡方分析中均達極顯著水準(P<0.001)。T檢定結果顯示女性在深色蔬菜消費頻率、食物與營養關係均顯著比男性高(P<0.001)。在疾病與營養知識方面,顯示未曾罹患疾病者得分顯著比曾經罹患疾病者高(P<0.01),但對營養之求知態度則顯示曾罹患疾病者顯著比未曾罹患疾高(P <0.01)。單因子變異數分析結果顯示,教育程度與營養態度呈顯著正相關(P<0.023),在均衡營養概念上顯示未婚較離婚有顯著較高的現象,營養素概念及整體營養知識上未婚與已婚者均顯著較離婚者高,營養求知態度與整體營養態度則顯示已婚及離婚者較未婚者顯著高,在水果食品之消費頻率顯示已婚者顯著較未婚者高。軍人與農夫之營養知識偏低,公教人員較無職業的人求知態度顯著較高,公教人員及女管家較無職業的人在消費頻率顯著較高,水果類食品消費頻率顯示女管家顯著較無職業者多。


To understand the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of residents in Da-Zhi Area, Taipei, Taiwan, using residential data obtained from the Area Mayor, the research team utilized the random sampling method to conduct the research. Samples include: 18 residents <19 years old, 62 between 20 to 40 years old, 113 between 41 to 64 years old and 110 more than 65 years old. The research team used nutrition knowledge scale, nutrition attitude scale and dieting behaviour questionnaire as research tools, combining with the One-way ANOVA analysis to examine the differences of knowledge, attitude and dieting behaviour between gendre, age, occupation, education level, diseases, and marital status. The results show that 87 % of interviewers obtain sufficient nutrition knowledge, 60% not good attitudes towards to nutrition, and 98% have proper conduct o f dieting behaviours. The results demonstrates highly significant level in the Chi-square analysis (P<0.001). T-test shows that the frequency o f consumption o f dark coloured vegetables, and the relationship between food and nutrition are higher in women than men (P<0.01). In the disease and nutrition knowledge, it shows that participants who has not had disease scores higher than those who has had any diseases (P<0.01), however those who have had diseases score higher than those who have not had diseases in the willin g to search for nutrition knowledge (P<0.01). One-way ANOVA analysis shows interviewees with higher education level have more appropriate nutrition attitude (P<0.023). Unmarried and married interviewees showed higher percentage on the concept o f balanced nutrition than divorced interviewees. Un-married and married interviewers show higher percentage on the nutrient concept and overall nutrition knowledge than divorced interviewees. In terms o f searching for nutrition knowledge and overall nutrition attitude, married and divorced interviewees are higher than un-married ones. The frequency of consumption of fruits showed that married interviewees are higher than unmarried ones. In the perspective o f occupation, soldiers and farmers demonstrate lower nutrition knowledge. Civil servants and teachers have higher percentage in the search of nutrition knowledge than unemployment; civil servants and female housekeepers have higher frequency in consumption rate; in the area of the frequency o f consumption rate of fruit products, it shows female housekeepers is higher than unemployment.


Nutrition Knowledge Attitude Behavior Vocation Genera Disease Education Marital status
