  • 期刊


The Assessment of the Sugarcane Potential for Year-round Ethanol Production


藉由每公頃甘蔗的總含糖量量(包含蔗糖及其他還原糖)及總糖經酵母菌轉換生成酒精的效率,估算每公頃蔗田可生產之酒精量,提供規劃生質酒精料源全年供應之參考。挑選台灣糖業公司目前使用的8個原料甘蔗品種,在2009年到2011年期間分批栽種於不同土壤質地之農場,定期採收原料甘蔗,分析生物質量、糖含量與組成及利用蔗汁為單一料源時的酒精產率,所得結果共2,665筆資料,記錄並分析甘蔗料源產量變化,歸納出酒精產量受原料甘蔗品種、栽培時間、採收時間(植齡)及栽培地點之影饗,數據可作為未來栽種面積、料源選擇及生產規劃的參考。夏季高溫多雨,甘蔗生長快速,植株的重量及總糖分隨植齡顯著增加.其中還原糖比例較高,可達總糖20% 或更高;當時 序進入秋冬、氣溫下降後,生長速率趨緩,糖分以蔗糖形式累積.不同品種的甘蔗,以ROC1、ROC16及F160的單位面積平均總糖含量較高。將每公頃的甘蔗產量與蔗汁醱酵生產酒精效率結合,估算不同栽培環境下單位土地面積酒精產量,以砂質壤土最高、壤土次之、黏土最差。


甘蔗 生質酒精 再生能源


To evaluate the feasibility o f using sugar cane as the feedstock for fuel ethanol production in Taiwan, a study was carried out to investigate ethanol production potential per hectare o f farm. From 2009 to 2011, 8 cane varieties that have been used by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation for sugar production were planted on chosen farms with various soil structures. Sugar canes were sampled accordingly and were analyzed for total biomass, sugar contents, and sugar compositions. Ethanol production yields were investigated using cane juice as the single source o f substrate for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A total o f 2,665 data was collected and analyzed to estimate the yield o f cane biomass under various combinations o f conditions, such as cane varieties, location o f planting (various soil structure), age o f canes, time o f planting, etc. A data base has been prepared for the purpose o f feedstock planing for future ethanol mass production. This study showed that sugar cane biomass as well sugar content accumulated in a fast pace during summer while temperature was relatively high and rainfall provided enough water. The results o f sugar composition analyses showed that the content o f reducing sugars could reach 20% or higher o f total sugar during summer. The content o f reducing sugars decreased with temperature drop as the climate changed cooler in fall. Three cane varieties, namely ROC1, ROC 16, and F I60, gave higher sugar yield per hectare than others. Ethanol production potential per hectare o f land was estimated by combining biomass production quantity per hectare and ethanol yield base on total sugar in can juice. Sugar canes growing on sandy loam gave the highest ethanol yield per hectare, while those growing on clay soil gave the lowest.


Sugar cane Bioethanol Renewable Energy
