  • 期刊


Compiling the general post-war Taiwan gazetteers and on the analysis of study


方志纂修是中華文化的特色之一,臺灣經歷荷據、明鄭、清朝、日本、中華民國等不同政權的統治,西元1684 年臺灣納入清領版圖,1685 年蔣毓英纂修臺灣第一部方志《臺灣府志》,臺灣修志從清代開始,迄今有三百多年的歷史。為探究戰後臺灣方志纂修,本文試將戰後臺灣方志纂修分成:「1945-1949 年(戰後初期)」、「1949-1987 年(戒嚴時期)」、「1987-2000 年(解嚴初期)」、「2000-2010 年(政黨輪替時期)」四個時期。研究發現方志產量以「戒嚴時期」最鼎盛,其次依序為「解嚴初期」、「政黨輪替時期」、「戰後初期」。析釐戰後臺灣纂修方志,歸納所得:「方志產量多量化」、「出版對象多元化」、「編纂團隊多樣化」、「題材內容多變化」、「編纂手法現代化」、「經營方志多角化」等六大特色。惟臺灣自解嚴後,方志產量開始呈現下滑,實有待正視。


Gazetteers compiling one of the characteristics of Chinese culture, according to Taiwan through the Netherlands, Ming Zheng, Qing Dynasty, Japan, Republic of China, the rule of various regimes, AD 1684, the territory of Taiwan into the clear leader, in 1685 Taiwan's first Fang Zhi Jiang Yuying Compilation "Taiwan's government records," Taiwan Local Records from the Qing Dynasty began, so far 300 years of history. In order to explore the post-war Taiwan Local Compilation, This paper will be divided into post-war Taiwan Local Compilation: "1945 to 1949 (early post-war)", "1949 to 1987 (the martial law period)", "1987 to 2000 (of martial law period) "," 2000 to 2010 (during the ruling party) "four times. Found gazetteers production of "martial law" the most energetic, followed by a "period of martial law," "political parties in power during the" "post-war years." Analysis determined the post-war Taiwan Compiling chronicles, summarized from: " gazetteers production increase" and "publishing unit of diversity", "compilation of team diversity," "subject matter varied," "modern compilation techniques," "business gazetteers polygonal "and so on six characteristics. However, after the lifting of martial law in Taiwan, Chronicles production is beginning to show decline, real needs to be addressed.
