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  • OpenAccess


Night Markets in Taiwan: Crowding Perception, Destination Image, Emotional Experiences, Satisfaction, and Revisiting Willingness




Although night markets represent Taiwanese local culture, they lead to critical environmental issues, such as the negative feelings of people and traffic congestion. This study investigated the associations among crowding perception, destination image, emotional experience, satisfaction, and revisiting intentions in visitors and local residents regarding night markets. This study recruited 619 participants from two metropolitan night markets in Southern Taiwan. Structural equation modeling and multiple group analysis results indicated that crowding perception had a significantly positive effect on destination image among visitors but a negative effect on that among locals. In particular, the residents reported a poorer crowding perception than did the visitors. These findings revealed the effects of crowding perception on the destination image of night markets among visitors and residents. Potential strategies to reduce the negative effects of night markets and maximize their leisure value are discussed.


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