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Influence of Humor Landscapes on Emotion, Stress, and Preference




Among physiological health, psychological health and environments, there are strong association with each other; besides, natural landscapes have been proved providing positive impacts on health with enormous studies. Furthermore, modern landscape design applies creative and interactive ideas in both design concepts and practical works compare to traditional natural landscapes. This research defined landscapes with these creative, interesting and noticeable themes as humor landscapes. This research asked could humor landscapes provide positive health benefits as natural landscapes do? The main purpose of this research is to explore the influence of humor landscapes on mental health. First examined the emotional experience of humor landscapes and further examined the influence of the emotional experience on stress and landscape preference. This research included three parts, in the first part, cases of humor landscape were collected and 35 cases were selected for emotional evaluation. In the second part, the reactions on adjectives of the emotional experiences were gathered after watching images of humor landscapes. The emotional adjectives were used as items in the final survey testing on stress. On the other hand, 15 cases of humor landscapes out of 35 cases were selected for the final survey, which gave similar perceptions on emotional experiences. In the third part, the final survey about how humor landscapes influence emotion, stress and landscape preference, the survey was complete with online questionnaire. Results showed that major emotions that participants had toward humor landscapes were creative, interesting, and attractive. These emotions that humor landscapes provided were proven to be influential on stress level and preference. The results supported humor landscape as a beneficial method to improve emotion and preference, and impact stress. This research suggested that relationships between contents of humor landscapes and the difference on health benefits can be further explored in future research.


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