  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Integrating GPS Tracking Data in Recreational Carrying Capacity Assessment




Recreational carrying capacity is vital to managers. With the popularity of GIS applications, the relationship between recreational utilization and visitors' crowding perception could be truly explored by integrating GPS tracking data. Taking the Yehliu Geopark as the study site, this study estimated the temporal-spatial distribution of visitors by using counted visitor numbers of the park and GPS tracking data. We used a structured questionnaire to collect visitors' crowding perceptions toward spots in the park. Then, this study analyzed the relationship between the number of visitors and crowding perception and utilized the association to assess the recreational carrying capacity of Yehliu Geopark. The results show that the visitor distribution in the park was a temporal-spatial variant. The crowding perception was the highest in Queen's Head; the more visitors, the higher perception of crowding. The park's recreational carrying capacity in different situations was further estimated. The results could inform management strategy making; by controlling the number of visitors in Queen's Head or controlling the total number of visitors to the park to reduce the crowding perception. In addition, managers could further integrate the guide and the GPS to develop APP programs to establish an extensive database to formulate corresponding strategies to provide visitors with a better experience in the park.


Klanjšček, J., Geček, S., Marn, N., Legović, T., & Klanjšček, T. (2018). Predicting perceived level of disturbance of visitors due to crowding in protected areas. PloS one, 13(6), e0197932. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0197932
交通部觀光局(2022)。主要觀光遊憩據點遊客人數,下載日期:2020 年 11 月 26 日,取自:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileUploadCategoryListC003330.aspx?CategoryID=2638da16-f46c-429c-81f9-3687523da8eb&appname=FileUploadCategoryListC003330。
