  • 期刊


Two Notes on Some Volumes Devoted to Patristic Studies


This book review brings six patristic works recently published in English and German to the notice of the Chinese reading public. The books reviewed here are: - Berthold Altaner and Alfred Stuiber's Patrologie (Freiburg et al.: Herder, 1993), Heinrich Kraft's Einführung in die Patrologie (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1991), Matthias Günther's Einleitung in die Apostolischen Väter (Frankfurt/M. et al.: Peter Lang, 1997), The Reception of the Church Fathers in the West-From the Carolingians to the Maurists in 2 volumes edited by Irena Backus (Leiden et al.: E.J. Brill, 1997), Miroslav Marcovich's Patristic Textual Criticism, Part 1 (ICSS 6, Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1994) and, Hubertus R. Drobner's Lehrbuch der Patrologie (Freiburg/Br. et al.: Herder, 1994). With both commendation and criticism, the reviewer expresses his long-cherished hope that the introduction of these works will enable the Chinese-speaking theologians to see more clearly the necessity of laying a solid foundation in this discipline for the Chinese-speaking world in the years to come.



