  • 期刊


Mencius' Classical Interpretive Method of "Tracing the Original Intention from the Understood Meaning" and Biblical Hermeneutics: Exploration of Wu Leichuan's Biblical Reading Strategies




This article examines the biblical reading strategies of Wu Leichuan, an important Chinese Protestant thinker. With a very close reading of his works, the author finds that Wu, being trained in Chinese classical scholarship, unconsciously borrowed Mencius' classical text interpretive method of "tracing the original intention from the understood meaning" into his reading of the New Testament. As an influential Confucian exegetical approach taught by Mencius, "those who explain the odes, may not insist on one term so as to do violence to a sentence, nor on a sentence so as to do violence to the general scope" indicates his opposition to take single sentences to apprehend the genuine meaning of the whole text. Adoption of Mencius' hermeneutical principle of the Book of Odes, Wu developed a kind of indigenous biblical reading approach, which is expressed as "those who read the Bible, may not insist on one term (or a sentence) so as to do violence to the original intention." For the original intention he quested is neither the textual meaning of the biblical passages nor the meaning that the biblical authors intended, but the genuine teaching of Jesus Christ which he considered to be misunderstood by his disciples. Dismissing the literal or mystical sense of the biblical texts, Wu's interpretation of the Gospels shows his criticism on traditional Christian readings of the New Testament as advanced by western churches from early patristic period to the Reformation era. Through an analysis of Wu's indigenous biblical reading approach, the article discusses the advantages or disadvantages of the influence that Confucius and Mencius' de-contextualized annotation stands had carried upon his scriptural interpretation.
