  • 期刊


The National Goal of Contemporary China: A Reflection from Christian and Non-Religious Perspectives



The national goal of contemporary China is vitally important to the whole world as well as to the Chinese people. Therefore, a reflection on it is necessary, especially from the perspective of Christianity, which is becoming the most influential religion in China. In the pas t 60 years, China has misunderstood the state itself as the end, but the Christian (and most non-religious) political principle has understood the state as only means for people's happiness. Accordingly, the political preference about national end should be civil rights to state's sovereignty, fairness and justice to wealth and strength, the world peace to one nation's rise. The misunderstanding of the state's nature and the wrong preference about national goal during Mao's reign were the foundations of the present institutions in China. Therefore, whether the Chinese leadership would make reformation will decide the future of the world as well as of China.
