  • 期刊


"Be a Real Christian, Revolutionist": A Study on Liu Ching-an




What has been mentioned regarding the relation of Chinese Xinhai Revolution (1911) with Christianity in the past mainly focuses on Huang Xing, Sun Yat Sen, Lu Haodong et al. In the historical writings which were dominated by Tongmenghui and Revive China society, some key persons of the first revolt who were also closely related to Christianity were neglected. Liu Ching-an is a case in point. Liu was a member of Rizhihui (Society of Reading), an organization of Episcopal Church in Wuchang Gao Jia Xiang (Lane). Rizhihui emphasized an interpretation of Christianity with the conception of revolution: the practice of revolution would serve as the expression of the life and cultivation of Christians. Most people who were influenced by Liu interpreted Christianity in line with this understanding. Thus, this article aims to find out how Christianity involved in that significant revolution through Liu, and to investigate the Christian thought of Liu, which had shaped a kind of radical theological thinking within the modem China.
