  • 期刊


An Analysis on the Value of Speech Act Theory for Biblical Studies: With an Interpretation of 1 John as Example



Speech acts theory has been applied to biblical studies for more than thirty years, with the coverage of biblical theology, hermeneutics and interpretation of biblical texts. However, its essential value and existing problems have not been fully discussed. John L. Austin challenges the positivistic view of language by the distinction among three kinds of speech act. John Searle contributes to the development of this theory by classifying various illocutionary acts and proposing the concept of "institution". When speech acts theory was adopted to biblical studies, the thought of "divine word" and the performance of illocutionary acts were the focuses. However, the ethical dimension was ignored. In this article, how to explore the ethical implication of biblical texts is exemplified by the interpretation of the First Epistle of John: The author constitutes new "institution" for the felicitousness of the direction of "to love one another", urging the reader to put into practice the commandment they accept "from the beginning".
