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On the Domain Integrated Teaching of Taiwanese Southern Min


本文探討九年一貫課程教育中,運用台灣閩南語融入領域統整教學的原則,並各舉一二例為證。九年一貫課程教育的本國語文包括國語、台灣閩南語、台灣客語,及原住民語,本文以「台灣閩南語」簡稱台語。全文主要發揮台語與「國語」、「社會」、「藝術與人文 」的統整。「國語」又分(一)母語教學與國語教學相輔相成,(二)台語與國語的異同。「社會」又分(一)母語與社會的統整認識,(二)母語與社會的統整教學實例。「藝術與人文」又分(一)音樂:1歌謠、2台語藝術歌詩、3用台語吟誦漢詩、4南管音樂。(二)表演藝術:1戲劇表演、2說唱藝術:(1)念謠、(2)相聲(答喙鼓)、(3)四句聯、(4)歌仔冊。3遊戲:童玩。


統整教學 母語 台語 歌謠 念謠


This research investigates the principle of the incorporation of Taiwanese Southern Min(hereafter Taiwanese)into domain integrated teaching in the light of the 1st-9th Grades Curriculum Alignment. A couple of examples will be given for each domain. The native languages included in the 1st-9th Grades Curriculum Alignment are Mandarin, Taiwanese Southern Min, Hakka and the native Taiwan Austronesian languages. This paper focuses on the integration of Taiwanese with Mandarin, the Society, the Fine Art and Humanities. The sub-categories under the category of Mandarin are the actual examples of(1) the complement of mother tongue and Mandarin teachings, and (2) The similarities and dissimilarities between Taiwanese and Mandarin. The sub-categories under the Society are(1)The knowledge of the integration of mother tongue with the Society, and(2)the actual examples of the integrated teaching of mother tongue and the Society. The sub-categories under the Fine Art and Humanities are(1)Music: a. songs, b. Taiwanese art songs, c. chanting Han poems in Taiwanese, d. nan kuan music;(2)Performing arts: a. drama, b. the art of cross talk and singing, i.e., children's ballads, Chants, Chinese comic dialogues, Four-sentence couplets, and lyrics book;(3)Games: traditional toys.
