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Review of Lin Chu-Mei, Ogawa Naoyoshi Ronbunshū [fukkokuban] (2012)


本文是對林初梅編《小川尚義論文集[復刻版〕 日本統治時代における台灣諸言語研究》一書的簡介及評論。該書分成四個部份:中日文序言、復刻之各篇論文(加上《臺灣總督府公文類纂》所收小川尚義履歷及畢業證書謄本)、編者專文〈言語學者‧小川尚義とその時代〉和收錄論文出處一覽。專文中最重要的推論有兩點:一是小川尚義求學期間受外籍老師Karl Florenz 的影響遠大於上田萬年,二是小川尚義進行臺灣原住民語言研究時日本本土的學術背景。文中提出八個問題就教於編者,文末並將小川尚義的單篇論文與專書重新列表整理。


This review analyses Lin Chu-Mei's recent book Ogawa Naoyoshi Ronbunshū [fukkokuban]. Lin's book consists of four parts: preface, reprints of all available journal papers written by Ogawa Naoyoshi (1869-1947), an original article titled 'Ogawa Naoyoshi the linguist and his time', and a bibliography of Ogawa's papers. In her article she tries to reveal two aspects rarely mentioned in previous studies: one is the influence from his foreign teacher Karl Florenz, the other is the intellectual atmosphere of Japan in Ogawa's era. At the end of this paper I address eight problems for further discussion.


Blust, Robert A.(1988).Austronesian Root Theory.Amsterdam:John Benjamins.
Brandstetter, Renward. 1916. An Introduction to Indonesian Linguistics, translated by C. O. Blagden. London: Royal Asiatic Society
Dempwolff, Otto. 1934. Vergleichende Lautlehre des Austronesischen Wortschatzes, I. Band. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer
von der Gabelentz, H. C. 1859. Ueber die Formosanische Sprache und ihre Stellung in dem Malaiischen Sprachstamm. Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 30: 59-102
