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The Chinese Cognates of Some Words for Female and Male in Southern and Eastern Min


吳守禮(1956)所提出閩語男女性別稱呼可能來自漢語詞「諸母」「丈夫」的說法,極具啟發性;本文採用歷史比較的觀點與方法,為之進行歷史音韻的補充論證。透過跨方言的音讀對應規則,閩語韻讀層次的系統性分析,本文論證閩南指稱女性的「tsal bɔ2」一詞應聯繫為漢語詞「諸母」,閩東北片亦然,閩東南片則普遍使用「諸孃」一詞;而閩東指稱男性一致使用「丈夫」一詞,閩南漳平,龍巖亦然;不過,閩南中心方言點「tal pɔl / tsal pɔl」一詞之第二音節雖可嚴整聯繫為漢語詞「夫」但第一音節今讀為「tal / tsal」無法視為「丈」的同源語詞,該語詞恐怕經歷特殊的類推變異或接觸變異。


閩語 女性 男性 同源詞 方言比較


This article compares the words for female and male in Southern Min and Eastern Min and differentiates the sound correspondences and the semantic features of the relevant words of Min and Ancient Chinese. The conclusions are as following: (1) The Chinese cognate of [tsa1 bɔ2] in Southern Min would be 諸母, which refers to old women in Ancient Chinese, with its parallel word 諸孃 used in Eastern Min; (2) the Chinese cognate of [touŋ7 muo1] in Eastern Min would be 丈夫, which means adult male in Ancient Chinese; (3) the historical original of [ta1 pɔ1] in Southern Min would be 丈夫 as well, but the first syllable had been analogized to the prefix [ta1] of [ta1 kuã1] and [ta1 ke1] , which means husband's father and mother in Southern Min. So that the first syllable [ta1], resulted from language contact between Min and non-Chinese (such as Tai-Kadai languages), is strictly not cognate of 丈.


Min female male cognate words comparison among dialects


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吳守禮1998.〈謹向臺灣語言教育家請教〉。《閩台方言研究集(二)》273-288。 台北:南天書局,
