  • 期刊

Heart Rate Variability -A Useful Non-invasive Tool in Anesthesia



Fluctuations in heart rate (HR) and arterial blood pressure occurring at respiratory and lower frequencies have long been recognized. However, their significance remained obscure until the monitoring of fetal heart-rate variability (HRV) was appreciated. Recent studies suggest that HRV may reflect the sympatho-vagal interactions that modulate cardiovascular function. Analysis of HRV can provide a noninvasive measure of central autonomic outflow and autonomic reflex functions. A mathematical and signal-processing technique called power spectral analysis (PSA) has been used extensively to quantify HRV. Several frequencies of HR oscillations can be quantified: the low-frequency peak (LFP 0-0.04 Hz), the mid-frequency peak (MFP 0.05-0.15 Hz) and the high-frequency peak (HFP 0.15-0.4 Hz). In this review article, the physiological origins of these HR fluctuations are described and the changes of HRV by different pathophysiological states are also discussed. In conclusion, spectral analysis of HRV may provide important insights regarding the influence of anesthesia on cardiovascular neural control and anesthetic depth and the monitoring may be developed as a very useful non-invasive too l for modern anesthesia in the near future.


當我們觀察心電圖,可發現每一次的心跳間格或者説瞬間心跳速率都不一樣,這就是心率變異(heart rate variability HRV)。在正常人,即使是在平靜、穩定的狀態下,心跳也會有相當程度的變化。傳統上這些變化都被忽視或者利用平均速率來取代瞬間心率,一直到開始利用心率變化來測知胎兒在子宮內的生存及活動情形,心率變化才被重視。心跳快慢爲何會如此變化,是不是有一控制頻率的內在機轉在管轄呢?爲了解決這個問題,人們開始嘗試使用一些頻譜分析法,也就是依時間順序輸入的訊號,利用數學工具加以轉換,但是廣泛在人體應用的頻譜分析,則是在快速傅利葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transformation,FFT)出現後才有進展;因爲FFT可以在個人電腦上快速進行,具有實用性。根據研究,有三個譜區可分離出來:低頻區(Low frequency LF:0-0.04 Hz),中頻區(Middle frequency MF:0.05-0.15 Hz),高頻區(High frequency HF:0.15-0.4 Hz),各區的生理意義一直是大家企圖解釋的內容。低頻區由於需要較長時間觀察及分析,手術期間較少利用。中頻區,由於實驗記錄時間可配合,得到的結果也多,根據藥理與生理的實驗證明,此區與交感、副交感神經的活躍度有關。至於高頻區,許多實驗證實與呼吸頻率正好吻合,由於呼吸對心跳的影響乃是藉副交感去控制,所以此區被認爲和副交感神經的活躍度有關,有人利用中頻區和高頻區之積分面積比,代表兩種自主神經活躍度比。自從心率變異分析的進展,許多實驗,包括生理及藥理皆開始利用此工具來分析病人的許多生理病理變化,包括麻醉深度的監測及麻醉對自主神經及反射的影響。其它研究如心臟移植的排斥監測、心肌梗塞及心臟功能的評估、醣尿病對自主神經病變的影響,皆可利用本方法。總之心率變異的頻譜分析提供未來麻醉科醫師一種非侵襲有用的分析工具。
