  • 期刊


From Fordism to Post-Fordism: Beyond the Change of Production Mode and Its Impact on Higher Education Curriculum





In the past two decades, the transition from Fordism to Post-Fordism, with its impact on production mode, organizational structure and human resources and consequently, higher education has attracted the attention of many researchers. Although the Fordist production mode was developed in the 1910's, it was not until the 1950's that Fordism gained worldwide acceptance and application. The period between the 1950's and the 1970's was characterized by mass production, mass employment and mass consumption. However, with the acceleration of information technology, globalization and consumer culture, Fordism in industrial countries was replaced by Post-Fordism which was featured by flexible production, flexible organization and a new set of competences. After examining the features of Fordism and Post-Fordism, the author argues that the transition is not limited to the change of production mode, it is actually a political and social transformation and will inevitably lead to the restructuring of the relation between society and higher education. The freedom which the university has been granted in inventing and transmitting knowledge, in deciding what to teach and how to teach is losing its ground.


Fordism Post-Fordism higher education


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