  • 期刊


A Study of Collective Bargaining in School Organizations: The Example of Junior High Schools in Six Counties and Cities in Northern Taiwan





This study is to understand the mechanisms that facilitate the efficacy of collective bargaining in junior high schools. Promoting collective bargaining has been the trend in recent educational reforms in Taiwan. It is hoped that the implementation of school-based management, the protection of stakeholders' rights, and the achievement of school goals will be realized accordingly. The processes of collective bargaining, however, can easily produce such difficulties among stakeholders as unequalizing status, creating divergent opinions, stimulating irrational negotiations, causing power struggles, and bringing about deficits in negotiation knowledge, all of which lead to a lower quality of collective bargaining. With its focus on this problem, this study tries to devise strategies that can resolve the inherent difficulties in collective bargaining. It adopts an investigative approach to collect the data, administering 867 questionnaires from 40 junior high schools in six counties and cities in northern Taiwan by stratified proportional cluster sampling and purposive sampling. In total, 587 effective questionnaires comprise the basis of the statistical test, for an effective questionnaire ratio of 67.7%. Along with the statistical analysis, this study provides school members with some valuable conclusions and suggestions.


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錢雅靖 (2007). 少子化趨勢下私立高職經營策略之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810533268
