  • 期刊


The Debate over the Application of "Paradigm" in Curriculum Studies





課程範式 墨頓 孔恩


"Paradigm" is a term widely used by Chinese and Western scholars in curriculum studies. This term has led to much discussion and has recently aroused considerable controversy. This article inquires into R. K. Merton’s and T. Kuhn’s conceptions of paradigm, then illustrates and discusses the application of paradigms in curriculum studies, and, finally, presents the debates regarding the different conceptions of "paradigm" assumed by scholars in their curriculum studies. The analysis reveals that the debates have mainly originated from different definitions, and different assumptions regarding the characteristics, of the paradigm. The authors suggest that, when applying a "paradigm" to curriculum studies, scholars should pay special attention to this paradigm’s characteristics, and provide an operational definition of it. They contend that while a single and unique conception of "paradigm" is not likely to appear, these debates will lead to further and deeper inquiries into the various dimensions of curricular study.


curriculum paradigm R. K. Merton T. Kuhn


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