  • 期刊


Cai Yuanpei's Cross-Border Experience in Nanyang and Overseas Chinese Educational Context




互動 南洋 華僑教育 過境 演講


Cai Yuanpei had conducted many overseas studies and investigations before and after the Revolution of 1911 and the May Fourth Movement. Despite many studies on his experience of studying in Europe and the States, the academic circles lacked attention to his experience of staying in Nanyang while he traveled between China and the West. In fact, Singapore and Penang of Nanyang were the main ports at the time, they were the essential waterway between the Asian continent and the western world. Cai Yuanpei passed through the region for a few times during his visitations to Europe and the States. This article traced back a number of transits and entries of Cai Yuanpei to Malaya and his footsteps including his schedule, activity, speech and his interactions with local Chinese people, and then analyzes the significance of his transit and activities from the perspective of overseas Chinese society. The article answers the questions such as how do Nanyang Chinese treated the visitations of this great educationist of the republican era, the ex-education minister, the Peking University principal. Did his thinking conform to the developing overseas Chinese education and their culture? This paper exposes the responses and comments of local Chinese community to reveal his lofty position in local Chinese society from his spatial and temporal transmigration in his Nanyang voyage.


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