  • 期刊


Analyzing the Classification of Various Factions of Progressive Education and J. Dewey's Position in Progressive Education from the End of the 19th Century to the First Half of the 20th Century




Based on appropriate research literatures, this article intends to answer the questions about the classification of American progressive education and the belonging of Dewey from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century. First, despite Cremin did not explicitly claimed the need to divide progressive education into different factions, in actuality he did. Secondly, the reasons and practices of later scholars who intentionally classified progressive education into different factions were examined. Five factions were classified: administratives, pedagogicals, libertarians, social reconstructionists, and life adjustment educators, after a series of justifications were made. Subsequently, "the flying dragon in the sky" was employed to explain the situation that Dewey does not belong to any faction. Finally, this article argues that the classification of progressive education should be discussed because intelligence and character development, emphasized by later-stage Dewey, is not included. It also suggests that traditional and progressive education are not completely binary. oppositions. It is recommended to employ "both-and" thinking to extract the strengths and discard the shortcomings of the two.


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