  • 期刊


An Action Research of Implementing "Little Teacher" Project in Competence-based Curriculum of Pre-service Teacher Training in Special Education




The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes and challenges of implementing a "Little Teacher" project in a competence-based statistics curriculum of pre-service teacher training in special education. In order to enhance student teachers' understanding of statistics concepts, promote cooperative learning and professional competence in special education, the instructor went through three stages of adjusting "Little Teacher" project over four years. Based on the qualitative approach of action inquiry, 12 student teachers from the 110 academic year were invited to participate in the study. The data were mainly collected through focus group interviews and supplemented by documentary data such as teacher observation records, reflections, and teacher-student feedback. The results showed that the "Little Teacher" project not only reinforced students' understanding of the key concepts of statistics; but also provided a variety of dynamic collaborative learning experiences and opportunities to reinterpret the meaning of teachers in special education. Finally, the inspiration of the "Little Teacher" project from a realist approach perspective was discussed along with reflection on the teacher's role regarding the challenges of competence-based teacher education in special education.


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